Adeste Fideles
Like many American children of my generation, I grew up in a home in which religion was an afterthought. My parents, both liberal minded and determined not to inflict upon their children the same sort of mistakes their parents made, spent a lot of time discussing the theoretical aspects of religion, and had little time left over to engage in practical churchgoing. It’s hard to raise children to believe in absolute truth, when you spend so much time equivocating about what absolute truth is, exactly. Which explains why it is that I spent most of my childhood believing the only difference between Christianity and the rest of the world’s religions was that practioners of the former got shit from the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, and the latter did not. Jesus Christ, woefully uninteresting compared to a fat bearded Scandinavian who might bring you Barbie’s Dream house if you stop harassing your sister and a six foot tall magical rabbit who hand delivered an inspired selection of candy , was far too easy to confuse with Moses and hardly compelling.
My specter of my grandparents further complicated matters, by tacitly introducing a vaguely politicized religious quarrel into the proceedings Dad’s family was Episcopal, snooty, reasonably secular, and only inclined toward occasional shows of theatrical, rather Catholic piety for effect. My mother was the product of fundamentalist orthodoxy, raised in the
All I knew was that the Episcopal church had better architecture, better music, elaborate costumes, and excellent raspberry cookies in the fellowship hall. When I asked Mom why the services at the Church of Christ were ugly, small, and boring, she told me that she’d been raised to believe that God was unimpressed by large cathedrals with artful stained glass and ambient lighting and fountains and towers and the string section from the symphony on loan for the occasional Sunday service, that, in fact, God preferred brylcreemed ministers, off-key renditions of “Are You Washed in the Blood,” and split-level churches that resembled Chez Brady. I found this very hard to believe. I mean, if I were God, and were planning on dropping in somewhere on a Sunday morning, I’d probably bypass North Carolina altogether and head straight for, say, Rome, or maybe Istanbul, or Mecca, or Tibet.
Perhaps I would have been more compelled one way or the other had my religious education consisted of more than my mother’s narratives[1] on the way to the mall and the lyrics to Christmas Carols[2]. Very early on, I’d shown a marked tendency toward insomnia, and my mother had invented a guardian angel named Lily, who would occasionally reward me with dime store trinkets if I would agree to stay in the bed, which again underscored my belief that Christianity was all about getting presents from supernatural trespassers.
Because no one bothered to parse things out for me, I was left to disseminate the bits and pieces of information I got from eavesdropping. I understood that Jesus Christ was born in a barn, because his parents had failed to make reservations on a holiday weekend. I understood that foreign dignitaries had set up a nice trust fund for him at birth, which his parents had subsequently squandered, forcing the son of God to find employment as a manual laborer. I understood that Jesus had been able to figure out that one of his friends had tipped him off to the cops. (I could not understand why if Jesus were so smart, he wouldn’t have split town at that point.) I understood that after Jesus died, he came back to life, and then flew, sort of like superman, into outer space, where God lived. Past that, my knowledge of the bible was limited to Noah having a lot of pets, talking snakes having a lot of apples, and that you’re more likely to get eaten by a whale than a lion.
None of this prepared me for dizzying realizations I would receive at seven years old, when my parents, fearful of my ignorance (and perhaps the judgment of other adults, upon realizing my ignorance) took it upon themselves to fill in some gaps. My father would introduce the Holy Ghost, and my mother, in a bit of inspired setting, would explain the concept of Hell to me in the parking lot of Belk’s at The Asheville Mall.
Of the two, I found the Holy Ghost considerably more unsettling. [3] Mostly because I believed that Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” was a book in the New Testament somewhere between Matthew and First Corinthians. I pictured the Holy Ghost looking like a cross between Skeletor and the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come. Or more accurately, rather like the Ghost of John, described in the Halloween song they taught us in elementary school—“long white bones with his skin all gone.” And the idea that this grisly specter was God’s messenger seemed too awful to contemplate, especially when coupled with the flesh-eating, blood drinking business I’d heard about at communion. When I admitted the idea of the whole thing filled me with bone-chilling terror, my parents tried to alleviate my concerns by explaining that the Holy Spirit was a friendly ghost, which is how I came to envision the trinity as Santa Claus, Casper the Friendly Ghost, and some guy in his underwear who looked like one of the Allmans.
Suffice to say, by seven years old, the likelihood of me accepting Jesus Christ as my personal savior was looking ever more, well, unlikely.
My first real inkling of what was going on with religion came occurred sometime around my second grade year. Through my viewing of some historical epic, I became acquainted with the concept of nuns, which made an indelible impression for reasons I cannot begin to explain. Around the same time, my lifelong fascination with the English Reformation and its aftereffects was ignited either by an study of Henry the VIIIth my mother completed for an art class or Herman’s Hermits.
I dove into study of Tudor/Stuart England with a kind of fervor, guided in part by the presence of many interesting women during that period. During this time, I learned that my parents were technically Protestant, and that was a good thing or bad thing depending on who you talked to. I also researched converting to Catholicism in order to join a convent, and then take pride in my eventual, inevitable excommunication.
When I aired my intention of becoming Catholic, my parents were appropriately non-plussed, suspecting my devotion to the papacy was likely ephemeral, and told me to do as I like, provided I kept conversations with my grandmother free of theology. My mother, perhaps noting the way I gazed curiously at the icicle minarets surrounding the mosque on the way to my grandmother’s house, again reminded me that God had nothing to do with architecture, which sounded just as ridiculous to me as it did the first time she said it.
By this time, I’d spent enough nights with friends to realize my lack of religious education was viewed as suspect. On Sunday mornings, I’d tag along with Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Unitarians, and a whole host of miscellaneous sects. My Jewish friends were learning Hebrew and my Catholic friends were learning catechism. I was learning to identify myself by whatever affiliation struck my fancy at the time, and learned, the hard way, that some religions are easier to fake your way through than others.
Giving a credible performance of piety when you have absolutely no faith in the existence of God is harder than it sounds. The Apostle’s Creed is hard enough to deliver with a straight face, even if you are a believer, but if said recitation is the only thing that stands between you and a free pass to Six Flags with the Central Methodist Youth Group, you’re going to give it a good college try. Even if the Youth Director nurses concerns that enthusiasm for “Appetite for Destruction” may be indicative of a direct line to Satan.
Though trips to various theme parks, concerts, church sponsored youth parties, and various events that afford you free t-shirts, the fundamental truth of Christianity—“Believing in Jesus gets you some pretty cool shit”—was reinforced. What’s’ more: belief wasn’t even required. In fact, with the slightest of effort, the whole system could be manipulated to work on your behalf if you had a modicum of acting skill. If you want to use the roller rink at
On some level, I think I’d like to tell you that I had some sense of a divine presence, that somewhere, in some text, I ran across a passage that opened a window, that I felt a pang of guilt whenever I conned some toothy representative of Young Life. And of course, I could lie and feed you some portion of the Spiritual Autobiography I created at age twelve (and have since edited for style and consistency), but the fact of the matter is, I didn’t and won’t.
There have been times when I have been moved, awed even, by that which was created in the name of a god. Soaring Bach cantatas from a fifty foot nave. Graham Greene's, “The Power and the Glory.” The Diamond Sutra. The Mahabharata. Rumi. The Reverend Al Green. Et al. Maybe not often enough to counterbalance the frustration, anger, and disgust I feel at all things that have been destroyed in the name of a god[5], but enough to recognize the power of the concept.
And with that in mind, I probably won’t attend
[1] Occasionally told, rather like fairy tales, between G-rated synopses of Classic Novels and Greek Mythology (she was a classics minor). Of the three, her dramatic retelling of the Trojan War was most inspiring of reverence.
[2] At seven years old, I spent one whole afternoon scouring the King James for mention of Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer, and the elusive Parson Brown, all of whom I believed to be canonical figures.
[3] From the first sentence, I could tell that the hell business was complete bullshit. I mean, my parents raised me to believe that witches and dragons and giant man-eating gorillas that lived under your bed and could suck out your brains were not real, so the idea of demons with pitchforks standing aside lakes of fire like sadistic lifeguards strained all credibility.
[4] Years later, I would employ a similar strategy to get free dinners from the Hare Krishnas.
[5] I can still get pretty fucking bitter about the Library at