Friendly Advice Tip#7
It’s the idiosyncrasies that count. Real friends aren’t your friends just because of the people you know, or the music you listen to, or the ease with which you affect a blasé stare. They’re your friends because you’re you. Because you laugh at (or tell) really bad jokes. Because you cry at tv commercials. Because you over-cook your pasta. Because you secretly love Ashlee Simpson. Because you are honest, and comfortable, and secure with them, and give the chance to be the same around you. The people you have to work to impress will probably never be your close friends, because you will never allow yourself to freedom to just be yourself. Likewise, if you require acquaintances to pass a complex series of examinations before you’ll hang out with them, you may never know the real joy of loving someone for being exactly as they are. It’s possible to love friends unconditionally, even if you don’t see them for years, and they can be the best family you’ll ever have. Trust me.
I love you too, my dear friend.
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